Thursday, December 27, 2012

3Buttons Photography | Your Photographer: Amanda

I am almost certain a person can walk through life never knowing what they were meant to do and be completely fulfilled, in fact I have met some of the most amazing people with outrageous stories as they journey and discover! I have a fascination for these people- maybe because I walk the same line? Although, I highly doubt I will ever have the same stories to tell, I can say I have a soft spot for multiple facets in life. Because of this, I have found Photography to be my one and only constant. To capture each event, each person I meet, the small detail that only my mind can touch... ah yes, I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up, but in the meantime I will do my absolute best to provide you the snapshots...
My greatest accomplishment is allowing God to lead my plan- He afterall brought me to my best friend, soul mate, and biggest fan: My Husband. Anything from here on out is a step never taken alone, that feeling is outstanding.
So how did 3Buttons Photography come about?? After a few years of learning and building a portfolio under my all too common name AmandaLeigh Photography, I have decided to take things to an all new level. New level = New Name. I need to stand out a little above the crowd!!! As I was assembling my packaging one night, and placing the three buttons on the all natural case it hit me- These. Represent. Me | Natural, Lifestyle, Custom | TA-DA! Some things are just incredible how they fall into place....
So here I am, embarking on some pretty big things this year- including bringing our first child into the world!- and I am setting out by sharing this with you. I photograph families, couples, newborns, children, homes, parties, events... you name it. Lets get it!
Send me a message, email, or check me out on facebook. I would love to chat and talk more!